Continuing a tradition since 1983, the 34th Annual Palm Springs Aerial Tram Road Challenge is scheduled for October 26. Reporter Ernest Figueroa runs away with the story…

The annual 6K run/walk with an elevation gain of 2,643 feet in just 3.7 miles begins at 7 a.m. Saturday, October 26. Walkers will start at 6:30 a.m.
All participants receive a finishers’ medal and T-shirt with top awards given in each age category to both male and female finishers. Registration until Friday, October 25, is $40 for participants ages 15 and up and $25 for ages 14 and under. Fees for those registering on race day are $45 for ages 15 and up and $35 for ages 14 and under. Spectator shuttles run 5:30 to 6 a.m. from the Palm Springs Visitors Center. For race registration or more information, please call 949-444-2365 or visit