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Morongo Unified School District has course offerings for adult and high school students interested in exploring career technical education. Assignment reporter Chris Fleischman joins us with more details…

Morongo Unified School District is currently accepting both adult and high school students in their course offerings within their Career Technical Education Programs. The courses are being offered through the Academy of College and Career Excellence this Fall.

This year MUSD will be offering seven no-cost programs open to the public, including the new Medical Assistant course, along with courses for Cyber Security, Pharmacy Technician, Private Security Guard, Registered Dental Assistant, 911 Communications Dispatcher and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.

Students who take these courses have the ability to change their lives over the course of the nine-month programs, and students who have completed the programs have gone on to successful careers, as well as being accepted to top college programs.

If you are interested in registering for one of the courses or obtaining more information, contact Christy Bong at 760-228-1162, option 2. High school juniors and seniors can register with their school site counselors. All classes begin August 23, 2022.

Additional program information can also be found at www.morongousd.com/CTEOfferings.aspx.

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