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The fifth of July is the busiest day of the year for many animal shelters, as many dogs panic due to the loud bangs from fireworks celebrations, run off, and get lost. Managing editor Tami Roleff has some tips on how to keep your dog safe this weekend…
While most people love the fireworks on the Fourth of July, the sounds of explosions may be very scary for our furry friends. To help keep your dog safe and calm, keep your dog inside during fireworks, with windows and curtains closed. Provide a safe place for your dog; many dogs like to be in small enclosed places, such as in their crate, inside a closet, or even in a bathtub. Make sure your dog is wearing a collar, with ID tags. Play music to drown out the sound of the fireworks. A Thundershirt helps some dogs remain calm; if you don’t have a Thundershirt, substitute a T-shirt that fits snugly around your dog’s chest and abdomen. It may also help if you tire your dog out with lots of exercise earlier in the day.

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