A Joshua Tree man was arrested Wednesday, accused of felony evading and reckless driving. According to CHP arrest reports, a California Highway Patrol officer attempted a traffic stop on Old Woman Springs Road near La Brisa Drive in Landers at around 8:45 p.m. Wednesday. The driver; later identified as Jared Atherley, 43, of Joshua Tree; reportedly increased his speed to over 100 miles per hour and drove recklessly to avoid the officer. The officer terminated the pursuit after loosing site of the vehicle on Luna Vista Road. At around 9 p.m., another CHP officer spotted the vehicle Near Golden Street in Joshua Tree and following the vehicle while requesting backup. The officer conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle at around 9:45 p.m. near Verbena Road, west of Sunburst Avenue, in Joshua Tree and was met soon after by additional officers. Jared Atherley was arrested for investigation of felony reckless driving and failure to yield and booked into West Valley Detention Center with his bail set at $100,000.