High Desert Beekeepers meet Saturday at noon in Joshua Tree

The High Desert Beekeepers Association meeting will be tomorrow at 12 noon. They have a pretty sweet topic for June: “How do you extract honey?”

Bring your bee stories and adventures to share. Learn what’s in bloom in our desert and what’s going on in the hive.

Michael Shamhart of the High Desert Beekeepers says “Bring your questions and be prepared for multiple answers, ideas and opinions from their growing number of beekeepers.”

He also added that Beekeepers who would like to be notified of opportunities to capture feral bees that are swarming or to do removals from structures, you can contact him at the meeting or via phone – (760) 401-3030. You can also join remotely on Zoom, just text Michael for a link.

That’s the High Desert Beekeepers Association’s meeting tomorrow at Noon at the Nourishing Tree which is located at 62057 Twentynine Palms Highway in Joshua Tree.

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