One of the first items of business for the Morongo Basin Healthcare District Board of Directors on its agenda for tonight’s meeting (Wednesday, May 5) will be to accept the resignation of board director Marge Doyle. Directors will also hear a report on the district’s budget and a financial report. Managing editor Tami Roleff says CEO Jackie Combs will give an update to directors on what’s going in the healthcare district…
The healthcare district received a grant of $1.8 million due to the American Rescue Act Plan. The district plans to use the grant for the expansion of COVID-19 testing, vaccinations, and primary care services. Free COVID-19 vaccinations are given at the hospital’s Helen Gray Center on Thursdays, and the hospital has hired one registered nurse, with plans to hire a second, to help give the vaccines.
Three psychiatrists are in the process of getting their hospital credentials to provide telehealth visits for residents. The Morongo Basin Healthcare District works together with the FIND foodbank to distribute food to needy residents; in May, FIND will distribute food on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, with plans to expand to five days a week in June and July.
Based on the California Governor’s Executive Order cancelling large gatherings and suspending certain portions of the Brown Act, this regular meeting of the Board of Directors will convene via GoToMeeting, an electronic platform for remote communication. The community is welcome to join the meeting as follows:
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