Food for Life ministry provides hot, nutritious meals to those in need every Saturday. About 240 meals are delivered to shut-ins and the elderly. Drivers are needed to assist. Twentynine Palms is divided into five sections and each driver delivers to just one section. They try not to ask the same people to drive each week. You drive only when you are available. Meals are served in the hall at Church of the Nazarene from 3 to 5 p.m. Meals are prepared by local churches and organizations. If your organization or church is not involved, consider signing up for a week or two to prepare the meals. Interested people should visit the hall between 3 and 5 p.m. to see the set up and talk with a board member about what is required to be a sponsoring church or organization. Volunteers are always welcomed to arrive about 8 a.m. to help prepare the meal. To volunteer, please contact Kelly Schumacher at 760-819-3054.