Updated at 4 p.m. to clarify the state law and town ordinance permits.
State law allows residents to grow up to six marijuana plants for personal use. The Yucca Valley ordinance governing marijuana use and cultivation in town limits requires that residents apply for a permit to grow the plant. (However, since the town’s ordinance was implemented, no residents have applied for a permit.) Town staff explained to commissioners that the city of Fontana had been sued because it had very stringent permitting requirements. Yucca Valley’s permit requirements are similar to Fontana’s and when the judge ruled against the city of Fontana, town staff felt it was prudent to revise Yucca Valley’s permit requirements. Last night, the Yucca Valley Planning Commission met to discuss revising that section of the ordinance, and then sending the amended ordinance to the Town Council for the final approval. Reporter Keith Bailey says some of the commissioners were not happy about the change…

At the Yucca Valley Planning Commission meeting last night, Commissioners Mathew Thomas and James Henderson were opposed to changing the requirements to obtain a permit to grow marijuana. They argued that doing so may give the appearance that the town condones the use of cannabis. However, town staff repeatedly told commissioners that the town’s current ordinance concerning permits could leave the town open to possible litigation. Thomas looked for legal ways to deter a resident from cultivating. He suggested ways the town could inform a resident’s landlord that cannabis was being cultivated on their property, but was told by staff that getting the town involved in a resident’s business like that would be a bad idea. The council reluctantly voted to end the permit process 3-to-2, with Thomas and Henderson voting no. The amended ordinance now goes to the town council for approval.