A joint meeting of two Yucca Valley town commissions last night focused on planning for two specific projects. Managing editor Tami Roleff was there and files this report…..
At a joint workshop between the Yucca Valley Planning Commission and the Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Commission, town staff reviewed the Active Transportation Program, using grants from CalTrans, to install curbs, sidewalks, and gutters, along roads near area schools. The proposed roads are Onaga Trail from Palm to Acoma; Sage Avenue from Onaga to Joshua Drive, Pueblo from Hopi east to Deer, and Yucca Trail from Palomar east to La Contenta. The deadline to apply for the grants is June 1. Some residents asked for bike lanes on area roads, but the roads are not wide enough to include a bike lane. Next up, the joint commissions reviewed plans for improvements to Paradise Park, which will include two new basketball courts, a paved path and benches around the park’s perimeter, and shade structures. Due to the drought, plans for installing grass at the park were put on hold. In other business, commissioners learned that IHOP plans to take over the former Carrows restaurant.