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The Yucca Valley Town Council met last night for a packed agenda. The council began with a presentation from the San Bernardino County Emergency Nurse Communication System, which is hoping to enhance service delivery by triaging (TREE-AH-JING) 911 calls to determine the level of care and needed response when people call 911 in the county. In a presentation from the San Bernardino County Fire Department, the council was enthused over the recent allocation of $12 million in state funds to build a new fire station in Yucca Valley. Cassidy Taylor has the rest of the coverage…

In department reports, the council approved the acquisition agreement for a property near Brehm Sports Park to aide with the community’s recreational needs. The council also voted to allocate $1,051,000 towards town-wide crack and slurry seal, to expand the life of roadways in the town. The funds for the sealing come from the FY 2021-2022 Measure Y Spending Plan following approval from the Revenue Measure Oversight Commission (RMOC).

Council Member Denison was appointed as the voting delegate and Council Member Lombardo as the alternate for the business meeting of the League of California Cities Annual Conference.

After months without one, the council provided a COVID-19 update. As COVID-19 case numbers worsen, the state has not given very many directives, just recommendations. Using the old California tier system, Yucca Valley would be in the purple, widespread tier. On the other hand, just under 50% of Yucca Valley residents are fully vaccinated and 57.5% are partially vaccinated. 

You can find information on COVID-19 case rates, vaccinations, and other information at sbcovid19.com. –

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