Local News


The winner of a March special election for a vacancy on the Yucca Valley Town Council was sworn in last night at the beginning of their regular session. Managing editor Tami Roleff was there and files this report…
A full house cheered and applauded as former three-time mayor Bob Leone was sworn in as the new council member by the County’s field representative for the Third District, Donna Munoz, at last night’s meeting of the Yucca Valley Town Council. After a break for cake, the new five-member council hashed out who would join Dawn Rowe on the Sewer Financing Ad Hoc Committee, ultimately appointing Leone. The Council then heard a report on the Mid Town Master Land Use Vision and Mobility Plan. The planners presented six areas in the mid-town area that could be redeveloped into a mix of higher density housing, mixed use or retail projects, outdoor plazas, and areas with a “Main Street” character and gateway features. During staff comments, Town Manager Mark Nuaimi had some good news from Third District Supervisor James Ramos. “The Supervisor will match dollar for dollar, up to $10,000, what this community is able to raise, to reinstate the summer music festival. We need to raise dollars in this community to match the supervisor’s funds. See how quickly we can match $10,000.” Council member Robert Lombardo was the first donor, pledging $500.

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