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As of April 1, the town of Yucca Valley is collecting a 1 percent sales tax, with a portion of the proceeds being used for town infrastructure and programs, and a portion to be used to lower the sewer assessment for residents. As part of the sales tax measures, the town council agreed to appoint a commission of residents to oversee the revenues and expenditures of the Measure Y and Measure Z funds. At last night’s meeting of the Yucca Valley Town Council, council members appointed seven residents to the Revenue Measure Oversight Commission. Managing editor Tami Roleff says the council changed up the recommendations made by the council’s own ad hoc committee for the commission…
An ad hoc committee composed of council members Jeff Drozd and Bob Leone went through 13 applications from town residents who’d like to serve on the town’s revenue oversight commission (which would oversee the revenues and expenditures of the Measure Y and Measure Z funds), and chose seven they recommended. But when Mayor Merl Abel noted that none of the ad hoc committee’s selections for commissioners lived in the Paradise Valley neighborhood, the council decided to throw out the slate of seven and vote on commissioners individually. Appointed for four-year terms ending in 2021 are Lori Herbel (Country Club neighborhood), Paul Hoffman, George Huntington (both Sky Harbor neighborhood), and Joanne Keiter (Western Hills). Appointed for two-year terms, ending in 2019, are Dale Charrette (Story Park), Larry Burge (Paradise Valley), and James Ricker (central Yucca Valley). Appointed as an alternate, in case one of the commissioners can’t fulfill the commitment, is Brad Napientek (Juniper Terrace/Story Park). The initial staggered terms are to ensure a quorum at the end of the first service term.

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