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Outgoing Yucca Valley Mayor Merl Abel discussed the vision for Yucca Valley in the next five years during his State of the Town address at last night’s town council meeting. In five years, by 2022, most the town’s major projects will be completed: sewer and the wastewater treatment facility, street paving, library, aquatics facility, and park improvements. In addition, Abel said that public safety remains the town council’s number one priority. Following the State of the Town, Rick Denison was named as the mayor and Robert Lombardo as mayor pro tem. The main item on the agenda was a discussion about the impact report and the citizens’ initiative for marijuana cultivation. Managing editor Tami Roleff was at the meeting and files this report…
There are many questions with no answers concerning the citizens’ initiative for commercial cultivation of marijuana inside town limits. That was the consensus from staff, council members, and law enforcement at the Yucca Valley Town Council meeting last night. Will the federal government crack down on states and municipalities that allow marijuana cultivation in opposition to federal law? Will the town or town council be held liable for aiding and abetting criminal activity? Sheriff’s Lieutenant Mike Barta was unable to answer questions concerning crime.
“It’s a cash business only, so our concerns are that there could be potential increase in crime, robberies, burglaries, other kinds of thefts. But it’s in the future, so we just don’t know.”
Council members were also concerned that the proposed ordinance did not include any requirements that commercial cultivation sites be a certain distance from schools, parks, and churches; that there were no limits on the number of commercial grow sites; or any limitations on hours of operations. Ultimately, the council voted as expected, and directed staff to put the proposed ordinance on the ballot for the June 5 election next year to let the Yucca Valley residents decide if they want to allow commercial marijuana cultivation in town limits.

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