The Yucca Valley Town Council met last night and finally named a town manager. Managing Editor Tami Roleff breaks her report into two parts. In part 1 today, name and terms for a manager, tomorrow, in part 2, Black Rock Canyon Road…

“Understanding the importance of obtaining unanimous Town Council support, when it became apparent that there may not be that support, one of the candidates, Deputy Town Manager Shane Stueckle, requested that his name be withdrawn from consideration for that appointment…. The Council is pleased to announce the unanimous appointment of Curtis Yakimow as town manager.” Yucca Valley Town Attorney Lona Laymon announced the Council’s decision to hire the Town’s current director of administrative services, Curtis Yakimow, as its new town manager, effective immediately. Under Yakimow’s 3-year contract, he will be paid $149,500 annually, with no car allowance, no paid time off, and up to 200 hours of paid vacation annually (dependent on whether he keeps his current position as administrative director), and with a severance package of no more than five months salary. The announcement was greeted with applause and kudos by both residents and council members. In tomorrow’s report, we’ll hear about the Council’s actions on Black Rock Canyon Road.