The Yucca Valley Town Council has an extensive consent agenda for today’s regular meeting. Among the items they’ll be asked to approve are the procurement of new traffic signals at Yucca Trail and Palomar Avenue; awarding a contract for sidewalks along the highway; and allocating $100,000 in Community Development Block Grants to the Senior Center’s kitchen improvements. And finally on the consent agenda, authorizing a “friend of the court” brief that urges the U.S. Supreme Court to take up the case of a lawsuit which contends the California Voting Rights Act does not require cities to hold district-based elections. Managing editor Tami Roleff fills in the rest of the items on tonight’s agenda…

At today’s meeting of the Yucca Valley Town Council, the council will hear an update on the effect of COVID-19 on the census. It will then be asked to repeal and replace its solid waste and recycling ordinance. It will also hear updates on planning and building and safety; the town’s community service programs; and public health and welfare. Today’s meeting will be held at 2 p.m. in the Yucca Room of the Yucca Valley Community Center. It can also be viewed online from the town’s website, yucca-valley.org.

The Town of Yucca Valley encourages your participation in this meeting; however, in order to minimize the spread of the COVID-19 virus, we ask that you please take into consideration the following:

1) You are strongly encouraged to view the meeting live on the Town’s website at http://yuccavalleyca.iqm2.com/Citizens/default.aspx . To view from the website, select the live stream link on the top of the front page.

2) If you choose not to attend the Council meeting but wish to make a public comment and/or a comment on a specific agenda item, please submit your comment via email by 2 p.m. on Tuesday May 5, to the Town Clerk at [email protected] Your comments will be distributed to the Town Council and every effort will be made to read your comment into the record. Comments read will be timed and limited to three minutes. All comments should be a maximum of 500 words, which corresponds to approximately three minutes of speaking time.

3) You may also submit comments during the meeting through the same email address. Every effort will be made to read comments aloud which are submitted after 2 p.m. and during the meeting, subject to the same 3-minute time limitation. All comments submitted before and during the meeting will be included in their entirety in the official record of the meeting.

4) If you choose to attend the Council meeting in person, seating in the Council Chamber may be limited in order to accommodate the 6-foot recommended social distancing seating procedure.

5) In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, you should contact the Town Clerk’s Office at 760-369-7209 x226.

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