The Yucca Valley Town Council meets in regular session tonight. A renewal of development impact fees and a report on special revenue funds are on the agenda. Managing editor Tami Roleff takes a closer look…
Among the items on tonight’s agenda of the Yucca Valley Town Council, the council will recognize former Planning Commissioner Vickie Bridenstine, and hear an update on Grubstake Days. The council will hold a public hearing on approving a resolution to continue the public facility development impact fees for new development. Under department reports, the council will hear a report on special revenue funds for the next two fiscal years, and approve an amendment to the county’s waste disposal agreement. Immediately following the town council meeting, the council will meet as the successor agency of the former redevelopment agency, and will be asked to approve a budget. The council will then go into closed session to conference with labor negotiators for unrepresented employees, and for the town manager’s contract.