The Yucca Valley Town Council will have a busy session tonight. Among items on the agenda is whether to prohibit Medical Marijuana in the Town. Managing Editor Tami Roleff examines an agenda with a number of high-profile issues…
The issue of medical marijuana is once again on the agenda for the Yucca Valley Town Council. At its meeting tonight, after designating a new mayor, the council will be asked to approve a resolution affirming that marijuana cultivation is prohibited in the town. The council will also be asked to give direction to staff on whether to adopt an ordinance that clearly prohibits marijuana cultivation, medical marijuana dispensaries, and whether there should be an exception for individuals to cultivate marijuana for personal use. Also on tonight’s lengthy agenda are a public hearing on facility development impact fees; a budget amendment for improvements at Paradise Park; and the 2015 strategic plan. In addition, the council will be asked authorize a multi-way stop sign and traffic improvements at Yucca Trail and Warren Vista; make improvements at Yucca Trail and Palomar Avenue; and discuss alternatives to the intersection of Highway 62 and Sage Avenue/Yucca Trail. Finally, the council will go into closed session to discuss whether it should initiate litigation in an unnamed case. The meeting starts at 6 p.m. in the Yucca Room of the Yucca Valley Community Center.