Council member Bob Leone (left) is retiring from the Yucca Valley Town Council meeting, and Rick Denison presided over his last meeting in 2018 as mayor. A small reception was held during the town council meeting.
Council member Bob Leone (left) is retiring from the Yucca Valley Town Council meeting, and Rick Denison presided over his last meeting in 2018 as mayor. A small reception was held during the town council meeting.

It was an all-star cast who came out last night to congratulate Council Member Bob Leone at his last meeting of the Yucca Valley Town Council. Congressman Paul Cook of Yucca Valley presented Leone with a flag flown over the U.S. Capitol. Assemblyman Chad Mayes and Jim Schooler, Senator Jean Fuller’s field representative, gave Leone an official resolution commending him for his public service. John Davis from the Desert-Mountain Mojave Desert and Mountain Recycling Authority also gave Leone a gift for his service, and town staff gave Leone a “15-minute-parking” street sign. The meeting then broke for cake before the business part of the meeting started about 7 p.m. Managing editor Tami Roleff fills in the rest of the meeting…
A small staff of full-time and part-time employers with decades of experience are responsible for maintaining Yucca Valley streets, parks, and facilities. The Yucca Valley Town Council was extremely appreciative of a report from the three supervisors about what they and their staff do every day, from pothole repair, street cleaning, turf and irrigation maintenance, and setting up and tearing down for everything from town council meetings to last weekend’s snow holiday event; so much so, that they requested the report be updated every year. The council also gave unanimous approval to release a request for proposal for a new aquatic center. A tight timeline means that public comments will be solicited this spring on what should be included in the aquatic center.
Cook and Mayes led an unofficial swearing-in of council members Merl Abel, Jim Schooler, and Rick Denison. Because the county is requiring the full 30 days to certify the election results, the official swearing in of new council members, and the designation of the new mayor, will be during a special town council meeting at 5 p.m. Friday in the Yucca Room of the community center.

Congressman Paul Cook and Assemblyman Chad Mayes give the oath of office to Merl Able, Rick Denison, and Jim Schooler, in a ceremonial swearing-in at the Yucca Valley Town Council meeting. Due to the county taking the full 30 days to count ballots for the election, the official swearing in will be done at a special meeting on December 7.
Jim School, left, representing California State Senator Jean Fuller, Bob Leone, and State Assemblyman Chad Mayes of Yucca Valley, presented a resolution to Leone on his retirement.
Congressman Paul Cook of Yucca Valley (right) presented a flag that flew over the U.S. Capitol to Council Member Bob Leone, who is retiring.