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Last week was the Great California Shake-Out, where Californians are urged to practice what they would do in case of a significant earthquake. At Tuesday’s meeting of the Yucca Valley Town Council, council members heard a presentation about earthquake preparedness and safety from a representative of the California Office of Emergency Services. Managing editor Tami Roleff has more information…

Last year, Governor Newsom announced the launch of the nation’s first early warning earthquake system. Amanda Moyer from the California Office of Emergency Services says the Early Warning California system uses ground motion sensors to detect earthquakes that have already started.

“It gives the user a warning to drop, cover, and hold on before they feel shaking. It sends warnings to smart phones.”

The free app is available from the Google Play store or Apple App store.

Moyer also reminded the council of what to do if you receive an emergency earthquake alert.

“Drop, cover and hold on when you feel the earth shake or when you get a warning on your mobile device.”

She also gave suggestions on how to stay safe if you’re driving or in bed.

“When you’re driving, pull over and stop and set your parking brake. And if you’re in bed, you can turn your face down and cover your head and neck with a pillow to help protect your head and neck if anything were to fall on it.”

For more earthquake tips, see https://earthquake.ca.gov/

California residents can sign up for free earthquake alerts that will warn them of an imminent earthquake.
The California Office of Emergency Services suggests that residents should take safety precautions in the event of an earthquake.
The California Office of Emergency Services offers these tips to prepare for an earthquake.
California residents can download a free app for the smart phone that will warn them of an imminent earthquake.
California residents can download a free app for the smart phone that will warn them of an imminent earthquake.

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