The Yucca Valley Town Council will meet in regular session and may decide to promote an existing employee to Town Manager. Managing Editor Tami Roleff has a closer look…
Among the items on the consent agenda at tonight’s meeting of the Yucca Valley Town Council, the Council will be asked to approve increases in two contracts, totaling $125,000, for street cleaning after storms, On the action agenda, the Yucca Valley Town Council will be asked, to put out for bid the sidewalk improvement project along Sage Avenue for the Safe Routes to Schools grant program. Next the Council will be asked to make changes to the Town’s facility use agreement, including changing the hours of facility rentals, pet policy, and fee waiver policies. The Council will then be asked to modify the Town’s reserve policy and transfer $150,000 into the Capital Projects Reserve Fund for slurry seal and street maintenance. Finally, the Council will go into closed session in which it will consider appointing an employee as the new town manager. The meeting starts at 6 p.m. in the Yucca Room of the Community Center.