The Yucca Valley Town Council reviewed requests from 12 organizations and approved allocations of about $100,000 in partnership funds to eight of them (Reach Out Morongo Basin, $7,500; Yucca Valley Library, $5,000; Boys & Girls Club, $16,000; Yucca Valley Chamber of Commerce, $24,500; DRTA, $22,500; Rotary, Festival of Lights parade, $1,500; Morongo Basin Tennis Association, $2,500; Morongo Basin Cultural Arts Council, $2,500) at last night’s meeting. The four that did not receive direct funds (Family Service Association, Morongo Basin Unity Home, Hi-Desert Aquatics, and San Bernardino Sexual Assault Services) receive significant in-kind contributions from the town. Managing editor Tami Roleff says council members got a preliminary look at the town’s budgets for the next two years…
The Town of Yucca Valley expects to have a surplus of revenues over expenditures for the next two years. In a budget of about $10 million, the surplus of $103,000 in 2016-17, and $46,000 in 2017-18, isn’t much, but it’s better than a deficit. The proposed budget does not include any additional Sheriff’s deputies for the town; they would only be added if residents approve a future sales tax measure. As it stands now, contract safety eats up just over $4.1 million, the personnel budget is about $3.3 million, and operating services and supplies takes up about $2.4 million.
In other business, the council approved the appointment of Andrea Riesgo to the Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Commission.
Due to concerns over a lapse in liability insurance, the council continued to a future meeting any decision on whether to continue using inmates for a work-release program in the town.