Local News


If you want to have a say in how the taxes from Measure Y are spent, the Town of Yucca Valley wants you. Managing editor Tami Roleff says the town is accepting applications for the Revenue Measure Oversight Commission…

Applications are now being accepted for the Revenue Measure Oversight Commission, which provides recommendations to the Yucca Valley Town on how to spend the tax revenues generated from Measures Y and Z. Measure Y is a half-cent sales tax that is used for local town services such as public safety and streets and pothole repair. Measure Z is a local half-cent sales tax measure to reduce the costs of the sewer assessment for residents. Commission members do not receive compensation. Interested Town residents should submit an application to the Town Clerk by Wednesday, June 30, along with a cover letter, describing in detail, their reasons for applying. Applications are available at Town Hall or on the Town’s website at www.yucca-valley.org. For more information, call the town clerk at 760- 369-7209 extension 226.

or by email at [email protected]

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