The Yucca Valley citizen’s advisory committee that oversees the revenues received from the Measure Y sales tax will meet today. Managing editor Tami Roleff gives an overview of the agenda…
At tonight’s meeting of the Yucca Valley Revenue Measure Oversight Commission, commissioners will determine the priorities of how to allocate the funds from the half-cent Measure Y sales tax. The three areas that will be funded by the sales tax revenues are public safety, followed by infrastructure and then general quality of life. The commission is committed to funding all current position in the Sheriff’s Department, and any additional positions added will remain funded during the course of Measure Y. The second priority will be funding for projects, with one-time projects given preference over the addition of programs that rely on additional staff. And finally, community partnerships will be the third priority, but only have the town has solicited requests through public announcements. Tonight’s meeting starts at 5:30 p.m. in the Yucca Room of the Yucca Valley Community Center.