Managing editor Tami Roleff was at the meeting of the Yucca Valley Planning Commission last night. She says a review of commercial guidelines led to a set of requirements for a business…
The 60-foot tall cell phone tower disguised as a pine tree on Primrose Trail in Yucca Valley was pulled from the Yucca Valley Planning Commission’s agenda at its meeting last night, due to the applicant revising its plans. After reviewing the town’s Old Town Specific Plan, development code, and commercial design guidelines, town staff determined that the BTI Rock and Sand and auto repair shop on Yucca Trail needed to install some kind of solid fence along the Yucca Trail frontage. The business will also be required to pave 9 of the 18 required parking spaces. And finally, the commissioners agreed to extend the time in which the business could repay the town improvement costs of $15,000 from 18 months to 27 months.