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The Town of Yucca Valley held a housing element update study session earlier this week. The session was to identify and discuss specific housing needs within the town. Cassidy Taylor fills us in…

The housing element plan is intended to guide local government as the town grows and addresses elements related to conservation, housing, safety, open space, land use, noise, and transportation. This framework provides housing opportunities designed to meet the specific needs of Yucca Valley’s existing and future residents. Overseeing the process is contractor, PlaceWorks. During the study session, town officials discussed fire risk concerns, renewable energy, the increased need for multi-family and affordable housing, and more; all while also hearing public comment. While the housing element does not require the town to follow through on the plan, it does establish housing policy for construction over the next eight years. Following the study session, a draft the housing element will be submitted to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for a 60-day review.

If you would like to view the study session that took place, you can do so by following the link below. There, you will also find a link to view the public draft of the housing element.

To view the meeting:

1. Open this link: http://yuccavalleyca.iqm2.com/Citizens/default.aspx

2. Select the “video” hyperlink for the joint special meeting on August 10, 2021

To view current information on the Town of Yucca Valley’s housing element, open this link:


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