Yucca Valley Film Festival Director Matt Beurois discusses Kid’s Section at this weekend’s event


On last Friday’s Up-Close Show with host Gary Daigneault, Yucca Valley Film Festival Director Matt Beurois discussed the festival’s Kids Section, featuring animated films suitable for children as young as four years old.When Daigneault brought up the festival’s kid’s section, Beurois told listeners what their criteria is for programming these special animated gems. 

“When we curate the movies, we want little kids—4,5, 6-years old—to be able to watch the movies without getting bored. So the films have to be pretty, they have to catch kid’s small attention spans, they have to tell a beautiful story; and with some of these animated films, there is no dialogue. Just by the power of the image. So this is really going back to the essence of storytelling: you show, don’t tell,” said Beurois. 

Beurois went on to say the Kids Section will be split into two blocks. The first will consist of three or four movies, then the second block will be a film called “Weirdos,” a stop-motion movie with puppets, who’s animator Paul Hollingsworth will follow the screening with a live presentation featuring the puppets he animated in the film.