An aspiring young magician took the top honors in the Twentynine Palms High School talent show Saturday night. The show has been hosted by the school’s Interact Club since 2000. The Interact Club is a community service club on campus, sponsored by the Rotary Club. Fourteen student acts ranging from vocalists, interpretative dance, and dramatic readings delighted a full house at the school. Z107.7’s Gary Daigneault served as the master of ceremonies for the evening. A highlight was the performance of three musical numbers from the recent Theatre 29 smash hit “Disney’s Little Mermaid” with live accompaniment by the show’s musical director and school board member Ed Will. Judges Shanna Valenzuela, Scott Clinkscales and Angelica Miller had the difficult job as they named Israel Ruiz, with his magic and comedy act, as the winner. Second place went to singer/guitarist Eneliko Tuli, and third to classical vocalist Beinn Stewart. The talent show included a performance by school Principal Justin Monical, who sang “The Climb” in a duet with student Pelekita Lematoa. The funds raised from the event went to local area charities and public service projects.