is a searchable government database that provides a comprehensive listing of citizen science and crowdsourcing projects. Reporter Hilary Sloane explains how you can enjoy nature and add your data to the projects…
Hilary Sloane photo
With a few hot days, the desert iguanas appear, birds are nesting, and tortoises, baby coyotes, rabbits, and squirrels are emerging from burrows. As well as enjoying the changes and cycles, you can also contribute as a Citizen Scientist. Observe nature, document it, and add your data to websites that track bird and wildlife populations. This data supports scientific study and informs policy decisions. Go out with a pair of binoculars and a notebook. You can download apps like E-bird and I naturalist right from your smart phone. Both sites will give you the tools to help you identify and list your finds. You can enjoy nature and add your data to existing scientific studies. Your findings and observations are essential.