York Fire remains at 93% containment, support crews move into post-wildfire cleanup

Photo Credit: NPS / Michael Burchett

As of August 9, the York Fire in the Mojave National Preserve remains at 93,078 acres with 93% containment. The cause of the fire is under investigation.

Firefighters are patrolling for hot spots while maintaining established containment lines. Some resources are being released from the incident so they are able to respond to other incidents in the area as they occur. Adequate support will remain on the York Fire to respond to fire activity. There is a chance of showers and thunderstorms over the fire area – and crews will be prepared for the weather. 

According to the National Park Service – the incident will soon move into the Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) stage. The BAER team will identify imminent post-wildfire threats to human life and safety, property, and critical natural or cultural resources within the York Fire footprint.

Fires remove vegetation, which exposes the soil to erosion and increased water runoff. This may lead to flooding, increased sediment, debris flows, damage to resources, and risks to human safety. 

The BAER team will evaluate the need for emergency stabilization measures and natural resource rehabilitation.

We’ll have more updates on the York fire as it moves toward 100% containment.

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