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The world-renowned architect, Glen Howard Small, often referred to as “The Father of Green Architecture,” has relocated to Joshua Tree. He is offering the class Architectural Patterns at Copper Mountain College that begins this Saturday. Reporter Rebecca Havely interviewed Small. Here’s part one of a two-part story. Z107.7: Mr. Small, where are you from originally?
SMALL: I was born in San Diego.
Z107.7: You’ve been called the Father of Green Architecture. Can you briefly explain what sustainable or green architecture means?
SMALL: Architecture that is as self-sufficient as much as possible, in harmony with the natural systems of life. Building with systems that do minimum damage or that actually contribute in some positive way to the forces of the earth functions.
Z107.7: I understand you are a world-renowned architect. Where have your designs been built?
SMALL: There are some in Nicaragua, Los Angeles and some in Oregon.
Z107.7: You have recently moved to Joshua Tree, correct?
SMALL: Yes, I am setting up shop in Joshua Tree.
Z107.7: I understand you will begin teaching classes soon at Copper Mountain College?
SMALL: I gave a rather successful lecture at the college that brought a lot of interest and enthusiasm. We hope people to come out and take the class that starts this Saturday January, 24. It’s from 10 a.m. till 2 p.m. so people with jobs and a life can still come out on the weekend and attend the classes.
Z107.7: What is the name of the course?
SMALL: It’s called Architectural Patterns. I’m a founder of the Southern California School of Architecture, the number one architectural school in the world, and I taught there for 18 years. I taught a similar class there. Anyone can take the class, even beginners at high school age and up. The idea is like if you start with a square, and adding to that a triangle, then adding to that system a circle, etc., eventually creating more exotic patterns that you may find in nature, showing how a person can actually go through the sequence of exploring patterns that eventually can end up being buildings. It’s a class that’s best for those that are artistically inclined or interested in things like art or sculpture. Certain people are very visual. It’s a class for them.
The Architecture Basics class will be held at Copper Mountain College on Saturdays beginning January 24 from 10 a.m. to 2 p. m. for more class information visit www.cmccd.edu. For more information and to volunteer on the green living project email the instructor at [email protected].

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