Junior high and high school level students who live in the Morongo Unified School District are invited to attend a mat and frame workshop at 29 Palms Art Gallery this Saturday, January 17, from 9 a.m. to noon. The workshop is designed for artistic students in grades 7 through 12 who plan to enter work in the annual Student Art Show in February at the gallery. Students are invited to bring the artwork they intend to enter in the annual show for pre-exhibition preparation and framing. The workshop is an opportunity to learn the proper way to prepare works of art to be hung in a gallery. Donated frames and matting will be available. Students may also bring their own materials, for hands-on assistance. Cost for the workshop is $5 per person. To register for the January 17 workshop, call the 29 Palms Art Gallery 760-367-7819 and leave a message. An entry form and brochure with more information about the Student Art Show in February is available at www.29palmsartgallery.com.