The National Weather Services is forecasting a drastic change in weather this weekend. Temperatures are expected to drop 20 to 30 degrees Saturday and Sunday, with a chance of precipitation. Ernest Figueroa has this warning from CalTrans if you plan to travel to the mountains this weekend…

Motorists are advised to bring chains to mountain regions as chain control will be in effect in higher elevations. Caltrans is advising motorists of the state highways that have been affected by recent wildfires and may be subject to closure or delays due to rock fall or debris flows:
- State Route 38 from Bryant to Lake Williams (possible closure limits).
- Big Bear-bound motorists are advised to use SR 18 and SR 330 and avoid SR 38 in the event there are delays or closures related to the El Dorado burn scar.

Caltrans crews are set to begin 12 hours shifts (24/7) throughout the storm event. Chain installers will be available on mountain routes for your safety and convenience. DO NOT install your chains in travel lanes. Use designated turnouts for chain installation.
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