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In early January, when some people were cleaning up Joshua Tree National Park during the partial government shutdown, more than 30 volunteers from all over California met at the Joshua Tree Dry Lakebed to clean up the Bureau of Land Management land. The group filled pick-up trucks—and even a U-Haul trailer—to haul all the trash, bedsprings, furniture, TVs, and more to the dump. But the volunteers didn’t get it all. Managing editor Tami Roleff says the group is coming back this weekend to clean up more of the dry lake bed…

John Kingston III, who runs an organization called Roaming Lost, said the idea of cleaning up public lands began during the partial government shutdown, and through Instagram he persuaded more than 30 volunteers to come to Joshua Tree in early January to clean up the trash at the Sunfair Dry Lakebed. The volunteers couldn’t get it all, so they’re coming back Saturday and Sunday to work some more. It’ll be a weekend of camping, raffle prizes, and yes, picking up trash. It’s a BYO event—bring your own trash bags, work gloves, food and drinks, and camping supplies. There’ll be two 40-foot dumpsters for the trash. The camping is free; register for the clean-up in advance to receive an extra raffle ticket. Meet at 10 a.m. Saturday at the dry lake. Kingston expects more than 300 people for the weekend.

More details:

Register at:https://www.roaminglost.co/events/blmcleanupjtree


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