Theatre 29 continues its Best of season with the mystery-farce “The Murder Room,” which opened to an enthusiastic audience on Friday night. Reporter Andrew Dieleman attended, and offers this review of the production…

The cast of “The Murder Room” worked together to produce a hilarious performance under the direction of Eddie Tucker. Chanelle DeMille is well cast as the manipulative and murderous Mavis Hollister. Sean Bresach played her newlywed husband Edgar will great sophistication, and Ashley Collins portrays Edgar’s blissfully-oblivious daughter with ease. Amy Fangmeyer nails her role as Susan’s dense, yet caring, fiancé Barry Draper. Kevin Meyers demonstrates a range of emotions as police inspector James and Marty Neider was perfect as the blunt, yet caring housemaid Lottie. With hilarious, perfectly-timed word play and a plot that keeps you guessing, “The Murder Room” is a British farce…to die for.
“The Murder Room” will run weekends through May 12. Tickets range from $10 to $15, and are available at or by calling the Theatre 29 Box Office at 760-361-4151.