Twelve candidates, all juniors from three area high schools, will compete in the 2015 Miss Yucca Valley Scholarship Pageant. Z107.7 introduces you to candidate Dani Enos…
Today we visit with Dani Enos, a junior at Joshua Springs Christian High School and candidate for Miss Yucca Valley. Hi Dani. Who is the prominent woman you interviewed, and what you have learned?
“My prominent woman is Linda Sommer-Weddington. She is a rear admiral in the United States Navy and she loves her job because of being able to be alongside different people. I have learned that I should never let my fear take hold of my life because there are so many opportunities in all of our lives that we should not miss just because of a fear we have.”
What have you learned from your experience with Miss Yucca Valley?
“In doing Miss Yucca, I have learned that the only thing that holds us back is what we think we are not. We control our happiness and unhappiness not other people. I have learned that I have more talent then I give myself credit for and that I should never be afraid to voice my opinion or say what is on my mind.”
Any final words?
“I recommend Miss Yucca Valley to all upcoming junior girls, but especially recommend it to who are a shy as me. Being able to conquer the fear of public speaking is one of the best things a person could do for themselves. Once you conquer that fear, I believe there isn’t much you can’t do.”