US Geological Survey scientists, who educated a large group in Joshua Tree about aquifers last Friday afternoon, touched upon how a water treatment plant in Yucca Valley might affect groundwater in Joshua Basin. Reporter Dan Stork says it sounds like good news for Joshua Tree…
During the lively Q&A that went on throughout the two-hour presentation, the two scientists carefully refrained from commenting upon how local agencies use the data developed by the USGS, emphasizing the scientific partnerships with the districts. However, there was one projection related to the proposed Hi Desert Water District wastewater treatment facility. Currently, an estimated 84 acre-feet of the natural recharge of the Joshua Basin aquifers — about 40% of the total — comes from outflow from Yucca Valley. One questioner asked whether “bad stuff” would come into Joshua Basin from wastewater treatment in Hi Desert. Dr. Nishikawa replied that studies estimated that over time the inflow from Hi Desert might double, but that it would be “pretty clean” water.