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A paradox of living in the desert is that our hottest season has the greatest potential for torrential rain.  Ranger Pam Tripp marvels at the wonder of water in the desert…

The word “monsoon” refers to a weather system that often brings storms with moisture to the dry, hot, summer desert.  Visitors to Joshua Tree NP may experience thunderstorms that are typically harsh with lightning, thunder and lots of rain washing across the land, sometimes causing flash floods.  The excitement of summer rain reminds us that water is precious. Storm runoff is a critical resource for desert life, and recharges underground aquifers. Remember, however, that even with this moisture, there is still the chance of dehydration during these hot, summer monsoon months.  Always have plenty of water with you when enjoying the desert.  It is recommended that a person have at least one gallon of water to drink each day when driving or camping.   And when hiking or climbing, it is recommended a person drink two gallons a day for proper hydration.  For more information about weather and water in the desert, call us at 760-367-5500.  For        Z107.7, this is Park Ranger Pam Tripp, reminding you to enjoy the solace and wonder of your national park.

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