Think you can’t you wash your car with just a half gallon of water? Well you can. Learn how at the fourth annual Water Education Day. Reporter Mike Lipsitz says there’s a lot more to know about water and where you can soak it all up …
Sunday, March 26, is “Water Education Day” at Joshua Basin Water District. That’s when the district and myriad water-related partners pool resources and offer you a full afternoon on native plants with tips, tricks and seedling sale; there are demonstrations and exhibits on native plant landscaping, controlling invasive weeds, conserving water, saving septic systems, and just about any other water-related topic you can imagine. There’s something for everyone in the family. Water Education Day is free. It all starts at 1 p.m. and continues until 4 p.m. at the Joshua Basin Water District offices and demonstration garden at Park Blvd. and Chollita Road in Joshua Tree. Reporting for Z107.7 News, this is Mike Lipsitz.