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Late in every summer the Perseid meteor shower delights sky watchers with a show of multiple streaks of light that appear to originate from the constellation Perseus. Reporter Mike Lipsitz has more on the phenomenon and some tips on how to get the best view…

The Perseids are usually among each year’s brightest and most accessible meteor showers, turning up between July 17 and August 24 as Earth passes through the path of Comet Swift-Tuttle. This year our planet will drift through the most dense part of the Swift-Tuttle trail on Saturday, August 12. Unfortunately, this year the Perseids will be a little more difficult to see because the moon will be three-quarters full and will rise shortly before the shower hits its peak around midnight. Patient sky watchers can still expect to see the brightest meteors, but most will be obscured by the moonlight. Find a viewing spot where city lights and those from neighbors will be at a minimum. Set up a chair and give your eyes ten or 15 minutes to adjust to the darkness and concentrate on the northeastern part of the night sky any time from around midnight until sunrise. The days just before and after August 12 should also provide reliable viewing opportunities.

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