It looks so fuzzy and soft. But Ranger Pam Tripp says, don’t touch the cholla…
With a new road along the Pinto Basin area of Joshua Tree National Park, a drive through the Colorado Desert area of the park makes for an attractive sightseeing adventure and a chance to really feel the heat. The Cholla Cactus Garden Trail offers a great opportunity to discover some of the park’s distinctive plant life. The most dominant plant in the garden is the teddy bear cholla cactus, which, from a distance, seems covered with soft, silvery bristles. As tempting as it looks, please resist the urge to “hug the Teddy Bear.” Each of the bristles is actually a needle sharp spine. If you venture too close and actually touch them, the spine may imbed itself in your skin. Despite evidence to the contrary, the cholla cannot jump but if you get too close – you will! Remember, the Cholla Cactus Garden trail is rated “PG” – parental guidance advised, especially with small children. For Z107.7, this is Park Ranger Pam Tripp, encouraging you to experience your American Landscape.