A new organization, Waste Not Morongo Basin, has been established to reduce organic food waste and facilitating the rescue of safe and wholesome food for local food pantries and feeding assistance programs. Waste Not will be holding a meeting at the Sizzler Restaurant in Yucca Valley at 6:00 p.m. this Wednesday, November 15. Restaurant owners and managers are urged to attend to learn how they can reduce their organic waste and comply with AB 1826, while helping food-insecure people in the Basin. Churches and other non-profit feeding assistance groups will be able to discuss their needs. Government leaders involved in efforts to reduce organic waste in their communities, health care professionals who can assist in identifying those in need, and businesses and institutions who have wholesome surplus foods to donate should make plans to attend. Speakers will cover topics including waste reduction, kitchen technologies, community involvement, SB County Health Department assistance, and health and medical professional assistance. For more information email [email protected]