The Mystery Thriller “Wait Until Dark” is now playing at Theater 29 in Twentynine Palms. Directed by Ben Bees, “Wait Until Dark,” is a game of cat-and-mouse set in 1960s Greenwich Village, New York. A mysterious con man, impressively portrayed by Cyrus Short, lays a trap to ensnare Susy Hendrix, played by Lizzie Schmelling, who shines in her role as a blind woman. Short is aided by Theatre 29 veterans Scott Clinkscales and Andrew Whitaker, who play two small-time cons. Adam Redmon plays Susy’s husband, Sam. Amanda Mohn, 12, is Gloria, Susy’s young next door neighbor, who first frustrates, and then helps Susy. The curtain rises at 7 p.m. Saturday. Tickets are $8 to $10 and are available at Theatre 29 or by calling the box office at 760-361-4151.