The un-permitted removal of native plants at a residential property was discussed at length at last night’s (February 8) meeting of the Yucca Valley Planning Commission. Reporter Jef Harmatz has the full story.

At last night’s regularly scheduled meeting, the Planning Commission considered actions regarding the removal of 14 Mojave Yuccas, eight Our Lords Candles, and nine California Junipers from a property in the 5300 block of Indio Ave. The owner of the property spoke at the meeting, saying that he was currently pursuing legal action against a contractor who graded an incorrect portion of his property. The commission approved a measure to have the property re-vegetated with plants approved for transplant from other properties. Two to three Western Joshua Trees were also removed from the property on Indio Ave without town approval, but this matter will be considered at a later meeting. Also at last night’s meeting, the commission deferred approving the transplant of four Western Joshua Trees (in the 58000 block of Buena Vista and 58000 block of Sierra Vista), until next meeting. They approved the encroachment within ten feet of 11 Western Joshua Trees (in the 55000 block of Onaga Trail, 57000 block of Sierra Way, 57000 block of Warren Way, 6200 block of Murrieta Ave, the 7500 block of Acoma Trail, the 55000 block of Onaga Trail, and the 7800 block of Hopi Trail,) the removal of four dead detached Western Joshua Trees (in the 6500 block of Paxton Ct, the 7500 block of Elk Trail, and the 7700 block of Bannock Trail) and the removal of three California junipers (in the 8500 block of Warren Vista, and the 56000 block of Spencer Road) at various locations around town.