Two Joshua Tree developments open for public comment: Geo-dome campsite and self-storage facility planned

Two commercial developments being considered for unincorporated areas of Joshua Tree are currently in San Bernardino County’s public comment phase. For each proposed development, the County’s Land Use Services Department, Planning Division will receive and consider public comments when considering the granting of requested permits.

The first project, called “Joshua Tree Camp” is a camp-site featuring four geo-dome structures, proposed for a 2.4 acre parcel at 2082 Stonehill St. in Joshua Tree. Each unit will have hot tubs, fire pits, and parking. The developers of this project are seeking a conditional use permit from the county, and the public is invited to offer comment to the county’s Planner until November 23.

The second project is a Self-Storage facility planned for 62735 Twentynine Palms Highway. This project is proposed to a be a 30 square foot, self-storage facility on a 2.3 acre site on the east side of town. The developers are seeking a minor-use permit from the county, and the public is invited to offer comment on this project until December 6.

San Bernardino Land Use Services – Desert Region

Joshua Tree Camp Site
Notice of Availability (PDF document)
Contact: [email protected]

Self-Storage Facility
Notice of Availability (PDF document)
Contact: [email protected]

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