Local News


Among the 80 items up for consideration at tomorrow’s 10 a.m. meeting of county supervisors in San Bernardino are two items of importance to our
Morongo Basin. The first is a continuation of the storm-related emergency proclamation ratified last week. The other item is expected to set policy for the siting of big-scale solar projects in our desert communities. Reporter Mike Lipsitz says that decision will follow a public hearing and has this report about what’s at stake and how you can weigh in…

Following tomorrow’s public hearing, county supervisors are expected to vote on an amendment to the Renewable Energy Conservation Element of the County General Plan. If supervisors approve the policy recommended by the planning commission, large-scale solar fields and wind farms will be banned from areas zoned Rural Living and in existing community plan areas. But if the board caves to pressure from large energy concerns, then the rural character and economy of our desert communities will be threatened by big fields of solar panels and wind farms and the dust and erosion, habitat destruction, and depressed property values they bring.

The public is invited to weigh in on the issue at the public hearing in San Bernardino or from the County Government Center on White Feather Road in Joshua Tree where your comments will be broadcast to the meeting via a live video link.

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