A variance request and a zoning study comprise the agenda for the Twentynine Palms Planning Commission for tonight. Reporter Dan Stork says that there are localized contention and broader impacts connected to these items…
The Twentynine Palms Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on a variance request to reduce set backs, increase height allowance, and relax pavement and lot coverage standards associated with a detached garage at a residence on Chia Avenue. There is a long history of contention between the owner and the City’s Code Enforcement arm over this property. Also scheduled is a study session relating to zoning on both sides of Adobe Road south of Highway 62 leading up to Baseline Road. With more traffic traveling down Adobe Road in the future towards the Casino, the Planning Commission wants to review the land uses and zoning along this stretch of Adobe Road to make sure the City is positioned to have the best possible zoning in place to accommodate future growth and development that is consistent with the General Plan. The meeting starts at 6 p.m. on October 15 at City Hall on Adobe Road.