The Twentynine Palms Historical Society will hold its annual Weed Show the first weekend in November. The Weed Show features desert residents competing for the best composition using local weeds and found objects in a variety of themed categories, including one for kids only and one category using an arrangement of live plant material with museum-quality purple glass as an accessory. This year’s theme is “Growing Like a Weed.” Managing editor Tami Roleff has more information about the show…

The theme of 2019 Weed Show, sponsored by the Twentynine Palms Historical Society, is “Growing Like a Weed.” Categories are Nailed It, Hammer Time, Nuts and Bolts, New Beginnings, Light Up Your Life, Breaking Ground, Final Inspection, Door to the Future, Measure Once Cut Twice, Nothing Is in Cement, Building Knowledge, and Raising the Roof.
This year’s Weed Show is scheduled for noon to 4 on Saturday, November 2, and 10 to 4 on Sunday, November 3. If you want to enter the Weed Show, take-in is from 4 to 6 p.m. Friday and 7 to 9 a.m. on Saturday. Complete rules and information can be found at
- Category 1 – Nailed It – Purple Glass – Arrangement using Museum Quality (flawless–see rules) purple glass as an accessory. FRESH PLANT MATERIAL ONLY IS USED IN THIS CATEGORY NO DRIED MATERIAL.
- Category 2 – Hammer Time – Broken Purple Glass – Composition using Broken Purple glass (broken or imperfect) as an accessory.
- Category 3 – Nuts and Bolts – Miniature 3x3x3 overall composition using nuts and/or bolts or other small building items.
- Category 4 – New Beginnings – Miniature 6x6x6 overall composition using drawing or drafting items as an accessory.
- Category 5 – Light Up Your Life – Composition using an electrical item as an accessory.
- Category 6 – Breaking Ground – Composition using a garden/digging tool as an accessory.
- Category 7 – Final Inspection – Composition using a military item as an accessory. This category is a tribute to the many volunteers both Navy and Marines from MCAGCC who helped in building Founders Hall.
- Category 8 – Door To The Future – Composition using any form of technology from 1927 until the future (even imaginary) as an accessory.
- Category 9 – Measure Once Cut Twice – Composition using twins or two of a kind items as accessories.
- Category 10 – Nothing Is In Cement – Oversized composition and any entry which exceeds the weight and size rules.
- Category 11 – Building Knowledge – Kids 12 and under. Use any item related to building or knowledge as an accessory.
- Category 12 – Raising The Roof / Anything Goes – This is the no-holds-barred category. Anything goes but weight and size rules are still followed.