The Twentynine Palms Water District Board of Directors postponed board elections at yesterday’s meeting as well as heard various year-end summary reports. Reporter Ernest Figueroa shares the meeting details…

At yesterday’s meeting, due to absent board members chair, Carol Giannini, asked for board elections to be tabled until January. The 2018/19 audit report was completed without any difficulties and approved. Following was a detailed report from Adán Ortega outlining Ortega Strategies Group’s four-point strategy to protect Twentynine Palms’ water quality and supply. Added to the agenda was a report from consultant Gary Sturdivan on stalled grants in Sacramento. Sturdivan’s research made progress in getting answers on a source of ongoing frustration affecting various water district projects such as improvements to the Campbell Hill reservoir. Public comment was heard from Craya Caron who made a new request for solutions to the 30-mile round-trip required for water for Desert Heights residents who historically have never had access to municipal hook-ups. Finally, routine departmental reports showed maintenance, water quality and finances reported tracking as normal.