The City of Twentynine Palms will present their state of the City address tonight as well as hearing from the park and the base. Reporter David Haldane checks the Council’s Agenda……
What’s the prognosis for Twentynine Palms?
That’s the subject of Mayor Dan Mintz’ State of the City address to be delivered at tonight’s regular meeting of the City Council. The address is an annual event, usually delivered just prior to the Council’s traditional re-organization at its last meeting in December. This year’s address is happening early, a spokesperson said, due to scheduling conflicts and the upcoming Council elections.
The address is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. following a meet-and-greet with Congressman Paul Cook. Other items on the agenda include updates on Joshua Tree National Park and the Marine Corps Ground Combat Center, as well as discussions of professional services for Project Phoenix and proposed curb, gutter and sidewalk improvements as part of the Project El Sol.
It all happens at City Hall on Adobe Road.