The manager of four new businesses in Twentynine Palms was honored last week by the Rotary Club of Twentynine Palms as Business of the Year for 2019. Managing editor Tami Roleff says the decision of who should be honored for the inaugural award was based on a significant investment in the community…

After a major remodel of the Twentynine Palms Auto Zone auto parts store, located near the intersection of Adobe Road and Highway 62, four new businesses recently opened: Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, Coldstone Creamery, Surf City Squeeze, and 29 Souvenir and Gifts. Twentynine Palms Rotary Club president Gary Daigneault said the club chose the new businesses for the inaugural Business of the Year award based on the owners’ investment in the community, which he said went a long way in rehabilitating the area, and which has improved the quality of life for residents and visitors alike. Erick Turner, who manages the four businesses, was surprised with a plaque for the inaugural award at the Rotary Club’s meeting last week.